INTRODUCCION: Gabriel Posada: Hoy el tema es sobre los parásitos internos que contagian a nuestros peces Disco. Nosotros recibimos muchas llamadas, durante el día, durante la semana, de personas que tienen estos problemas o me mandan correos electrónicos donde se...
We’re going to give you water parameters, temperatures, pH, the whole nine yards, and at the same time show you the conditions that the fish have and where they’re laying the eggs and how the eggs hatching, and how they breeding pairs actually take care of their babies, so welcome aboard and enjoy.
550 Gallon Discus Tank An All Day Love Affair Gabriel Posada and JJ arrived early in the morning with plants, discus, and vision. They removed over 16 buckets of debris and then raised the level of the substrate for proper lighting for the lower plants. What Happened?...
Our client from N.Y. acclimating wild discus A second group he received a month after the first group. Specs for the tank: two Fluval fx6 canisters, two Fluval fx6 canisters, the rocks are fakes done by Universal Rocks out of Texas, and the wood is manzanita. The...
Recently a client from NY sent us this video after receiving his Wild Discus shippment from us. He has taken this video shortly after their acclimation....
7 Steps To Acclimating Tropical Fish Shipped By Wattley Discus (also see video below) Step One: Do Not Open Your Box Until You Are In Front Of Your Tank Your Wattley Discus shipment of tropical fish is designed to last 24+ hours before opening if it remains sealed....